Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Honing your nose

In class, we discussed strategies for describing wine aromas and tastes. Alyssa's strategy was simple: "only describe ones with tastes that you've experienced before." Since then, I've still been curious how sommeliers develop the ability to sense exotic berries, cut hay, or even "cat pee". Do they specifically seek out these things in order to taste and smell them? Do they bring all of these things into wine school? (not a rhetorical question – I'd actually love to know if that is the case).

In any case, I recalled this discussion when I stumbled upon companies that actually produce tasting and smelling samples that are often referenced in wine tastings. Wine Aromas is one such company that has several aroma kits, such as one including 54 common wine aromas, one including 54 whiskey aromas,  and on that has 12 "wine faults" aromas to help you determine when something is wrong with a wine. Maybe worth checking out for those of us who can't find these aromas elsewhere!

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